Children's Corner


At school, a teacher had been observing for some time that his student, Henry, always carried candies with him. He would sometimes even generously pass them out to his classmates during recess. Because the mother […]

Children's Corner

You Shall Praise Me

Inge loved going to Sunday School. It warmed her heart!  Her favorite song was: “I love to go, I love to go, I love to go to Sunday School.” Her beloved Sunday School teacher told […]

Children's Corner

More Valuable Than a Clock

Sanah had been rescued from heathen cruelties and taken to the Children’s Home at the mission station. Here he was treated kindly by the missionary who was “Mother” to the children. Soon Sanah was loved […]

Children's Corner

Beautiful Hands

Mary Jo was her mother’s helper. Mrs. Lee had often said she didn’t see how she could ever get along without Mary Jo’s eager, helpful hands. One day Mary Jo came home from school with […]

Children's Corner


In a Sunday school class, the children were asked, “How do you think the angels in heaven do God’s will?” The children thought for a while. Then one answered and said, “They do God’s will […]

Children's Corner

Lisa’s Enemy

One day Lisa came home from school agitated and said to her mother, “If only you knew, mother, what a despicable girl I have in my class! Today she pulled my hair and called me […]

Children's Corner

Mother’s Hands

Maria often looked at her mother’s hands and wondered why they were so scarred. Once she asked, “Mom, why are your hands not like other people’s?” – But she did not get an answer until […]

Children's Corner

The First Forbidden Step!

Mrs. Richter once had to go away for a whole day. She instructed Henry to stay home until she returned. Henry did not have a problem with that. Around noon, his friend Peter came and […]

Children's Corner

Keep In Tune

Grandpa was tuning his guitar, and David was watching carefully. David thought the pretty cherry-wood sides of the guitar looked so shiny and clean after Grandpa polished it with a soft cloth. It was a […]