Children's Corner

A Soldier For The Lord

On the way home from church one Sunday, Jared was puzzled. “Daddy, in Sunday school the teacher said that we should be soldiers for Christ. How can we be soldiers when God says to be […]

Children's Corner


“Rainer,” Mother said, “I just planted the garden plot over there in the corner. Make sure you don’t run through it or even step over the edges of it!” “No, no, Mommy,” the cheerful boy […]

Children's Corner

What Is Your Favorite Book?

The Ethiopian Queen Candace had a court official who managed all her treasures. Surely this man had everything he wanted and should have been really happy and satisfied. And yet he lacked something, namely: God. […]

Children's Corner

How Jan Became Happy

One Sunday, Jan came home from Sunday School deep in thought. He went and sat down in a corner. He kept thinking about the story they had been told: about a little girl who had […]

Children's Corner

If Sinners Entice You

     “Tom, have you heard the latest?”      “No, David, what happened now?”      “The rich Mr. Ebert is whining and complaining because he lost his wallet yesterday.”      “Where did […]

Children's Corner

Last Words Before Easter

It was Palm Sunday, the last Sunday before Easter: “Mom, why is there such a big crowd there?” “That’s Jesus, Philip; the man who recently raised the dead Lazarus, do you remember?” “Oh yes, that’s […]

Children's Corner

The Report Card

Yesterday, Lena again had to do her homework very quickly. In the afternoon, she had played outside with her friends and forgot about it. Only when her mother reminded her of her homework did she […]

Children's Corner

Little Jobs for the Lord

A little boy once heard that even children could work for God’s kingdom, if they only loved the Lord Jesus with all their heart.  The boy was crippled. He knew he wasn’t able to go […]

Children's Corner

A Home Missionary

Tim dashed into the house, his face all aglow. “Mother,” he called, “the new family is moving in next door, and do you know what?” “No, what?” asked Mother. “They have two boys and a […]

Children's Corner

A Christmas Gift

It was on a Christmas day towards evening when the lights had already been turned on. It was snowing outside. A poorly dressed boy of six entered the pastor’s room. “Mr. Preacher,” he said, and […]