Foundation of Faith

Elijah, a Man Like Us

James wanted to encourage the recipients of his letter when he called Elijah a man “just like us.” But when we think of Elijah, what comes to mind are the miraculous, supernatural stories: the raising […]

Foundation of Faith

God Needs Committed People

King Ahab was one of the most prominent figures of his day. He was politically savvy, culturally tolerant, and had military success. However, his way of life was an abomination to God. So, in the […]

Foundation of Faith

The Value of Family Devotions

I grew up in a family where family prayers regularly ascended to the throne of grace in the evening. From an early age, I felt the value of family devotions. At the age of sixteen, […]

Foundation of Faith

How the Rain Came

The Bemba tribe in Central Africa had been waiting for rain for over six months. The fields were prepared for sowing, but there was no rain. The land was so dry that the earth had […]

Foundation of Faith

The Prodigal Son

Moody writes:  I was about to close the meeting of the Young Men’s Christian Association in Chicago when a man stood up and asked to speak. I had never seen him before, nor did I […]

Foundation of Faith

A Living Sacrifice

The word “sacrifice” occurs frequently in the Bible. Notably, in this passage, it refers to our body, our entire being. When we are born again, Jesus comes into our heart and makes it His dwelling […]

Foundation of Faith

I Will Be With You

In late November 1907, Heinrich Begemann approached me, asking whether I would like to enter the Lord’s service as a missionary. The mission house in Essen was established by the pastor Georg Vielgut at Friedbergstrasse […]