Foundation of Faith

We Need Christ In Our Time

Every person has their own life experiences. Most have gone to school for many years. Every person has some knowledge of a few things, and some have knowledge of many things. In today’s culture, people […]

Foundation of Faith

Can Christ Be Seen In Your Life?

Every Christian carries a great responsibility. He bears the name “Christian” and confesses that Jesus dwells in him. If his life is consistent with his confession, he bears fruit to the glory of God. But […]

Foundation of Faith

Characteristics of True Humility

One of the most beautiful character traits of a Christian is humility. “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6). It can only benefit us to consider the fruits of true […]

Children's Corner

David’s Assurance of Victory

“And David took [the armor] off” 1 Samuel 17:39b David was ready to fight the seemingly overpowering giant Goliath. King Saul wanted to equip him in the best possible way for this battle, so he […]

Foundation of Faith

Thank God for Trials

Trials are so valuable because they form a Christian into what God needs them to be. We do not know what is in us until we have been put to the test. Sufferings and disappointments […]

Foundation of Faith

Growing Older Gracefully

That’s quick to read and even sounds good. But what does it mean? How do you envision aging gracefully? It not only describes the natural process of growing older but also defines a time of […]

Foundation of Faith


I do not remember exactly when it happened, but I will never forget the day my world was rocked to the core. My husband left the house as usual in the morning to catch the […]

Foundation of Faith

Total Consecration

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.” Romans 12:1 When the apostle addresses the church […]