Foundation of Faith

Be Filled with the Holy Spirit

If we want to be useful in the service of our Lord and be a blessing for others, then we need to be equipped with godly power. Before His ascension, Jesus told His disciples: “But […]

Foundation of Faith

Praying for the Holy Spirit

“So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks […]

Foundation of Faith

The Holy Spirit

In the New Testament, there are many verses which give us insight concerning the Holy Spirit. Scripture says more about the Holy Spirit than many theologians cover in their expositions. Perhaps it is because Christology […]

Foundation of Faith

Be Filled With the Spirit

Like a luminous pearl, this word stands amidst the many admonitions the apostle wrote in his letter to the Ephesian church. Paul saw a foolproof solution to the problems that had arisen and stated emphatically: […]

Foundation of Faith

The More Abundant Life

The expression “life” may have different meaning for different people under different circumstances. We may speak of a “new life” when a baby makes it’s debut into a family, or someone may see hardships as […]

Foundation of Faith

The Purpose of Sanctification

The most prevalent trait in human society is self-centeredness. Even in religious circles, where we least expect to find it, it is evident. In most cases, selfishness and the pursuit of personal gratification, as well […]

Foundation of Faith

An Important Question

Paul, the great apostle to the Gentiles, traveled through the upper lands of Asia Minor and came to Ephesus, where he found many disciples who had recently come to believe in the Lord Jesus. To […]

Foundation of Faith

Guided by the Holy Spirit

Although I may not know much about sailing, I do know that the wind plays a big role. Without its power, a ship’s sails fall slack; under its power, however, they billow out and propel […]