Foundation of Faith

Thankful in God’s Hands

We are sincerely grateful to God for His blessings, help, and direction. God leads and guides His children in magnificent ways. Often the ways of God are hidden from us, “‘For My thoughts are not […]

Foundation of Faith

Thankful in Difficult Days

“Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.”  Psalm 68:19, NIV As a family, especially in the last three years, we too have experienced how God helps bear our […]

Foundation of Faith

Thankful – Through the Tears

Everyone experiences hard times and bitter times in life. Even when things are going relatively well, you never know how soon trouble may come again.  Reasons for difficulties  Everyone has their own threshold or tolerance […]


Freed From Anxiety

 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy, but I came that you may have life, and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10) Struggles with mental health, particularly anxiety, are very prevalent in today’s […]

person holding smartphone
Foundation of Faith

Wrong Number?

For quite some time, I have been in contact with a young man who, with his family, lives in a Hutterite Colony in another province. For a while already, he has been asking for sermons, […]


Matters of the Heart

“The surgery went well! Your husband is resting in the recovery room.” This message, conveyed by the cardiac surgeon, was the outcome Doris had been anxiously seeking from the Lord as she prayed in the […]