Foundation of Faith

Encountering God

How awesome is God, in that He had an amazing, glorious plan of salvation prepared for mankind before He ever created the universe! And since man’s fall into sin, God, in His great mercy and […]

Foundation of Faith

Good Advice for the New Year

Heinrich Wichern once made a remarkable statement at the beginning of a new year: “Whoever allows his Bible to start gathering dust as of January 1, will find that by December 31, his soul will […]

Foundation of Faith

From the Editorial Team

Looking back at the past year, we have a lot to be thankful for. In His grace, the Lord helped, carried, encouraged, and richly blessed us in doing His work throughout these twelve months. The […]

Foundation of Faith

Why Do We Celebrate Christmas?

If you were to do a survey in your neighborhood using this question, very different answers would come out. So much has been added to the celebration for this festive season. But they have nothing […]

Foundation of Faith

The Wonder of the Holy Night

Indeed, mysterious and wonderful things took place on the holy night when Jesus became man. A radiant splendor of light poured over the fields of Judah, and its realm resonated with a joyous angel choir. […]

Foundation of Faith


Realizing that December is here is unbelievable. How quickly the year has passed. The last month of the year is usually the most eventful. People are busier than ever, spend more money than usual, search […]

Foundation of Faith

The Ultimate Christmas Present

Christmas is all about giving and receiving gifts, sharing good wishes, and spending time with family. It is somewhat sad to see that this special holiday has been so commercialized, but it is nonetheless a […]