Foundation of Faith

The Finished Race

Never could the young Pharisee Saul have imagined how or where his course here on earth would end! Back then, he wanted to conquer the world and achieve great success among the prominent in society. […]

Foundation of Faith

Journey to Rome

Around 62 AD, the Jews made an accusation against Paul, even though he had not sinned against the Jewish law or against Caesar. He stood pure and innocent before God and man, without fault, as […]

Foundation of Faith

As the Pastor

Who Was Paul? Paul’s great personality shines over the millennia even into our own time, into our present day. In his general letters to individual churches, as well as in his personal letters to co-workers […]

Foundation of Faith

The Goal of His Mission

A Pure Congregation, Not Just a Huge Crowd  What are you trying to accomplish with mission work? Quality or quantity? When we look at the work of the Apostle Paul, we see that his concern […]

Foundation of Faith

Nevertheless, Praise God

Paul and Silas sat inside the jail, where they had been locked up so that later they could be convicted. Their clothes had been torn from their bodies, their backs had been flayed bloody, and […]

Foundation of Faith

The Power of the Gospel

Paul writes: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek” (Romans […]

Foundation of Faith

Love One Another

We don’t like hearing about laws. Modern culture looks sideways at laws, and we are immersed in that culture. Many of the lawmakers we hear or read of are usually flawed people, at a large […]

Foundation of Faith

Let Us Not Grow Weary

I am sure that we all have heard the statement: “I am tired.” In my 47 years of service I have met so many people who have echoed this sentiment. These are people who started […]

Foundation of Faith

Uncertainty In Old Age?

A few days ago, I was at the airport waiting to pick up a Brother. While waiting, I looked up and noticed an elderly lady cautiously approaching an escalator.  She focused on the step she […]