Foundation of Faith

The Prayer of a Mother

During one of my regular visits to prison, I once entered the cell of a young convict. My first discussion with him seemed an utter failure, and as I left after ending the visit with […]

Foundation of Faith

The Holy Spirit

In the New Testament, there are many verses which give us insight concerning the Holy Spirit. Scripture says more about the Holy Spirit than many theologians cover in their expositions. Perhaps it is because Christology […]

Foundation of Faith

Why Do We Need Sanctification?

The doctrine regarding sanctification is an essential part of the Holy Scriptures and deals with the entire salvation of man. Sanctification is so important that we find many foreshadows in the Old Testament which help […]

Foundation of Faith

Labored in Vain?

“Then I said, ‘I have labored in vain, I have spent my strength for nothing and in vain; yet surely my just reward is with the LORD, and my work with my God.’” Isaiah 49:4 […]

Foundation of Faith

Memorial Stones

After wandering in the desert forty years, Israel finally approached the boundary to the Promised Land. Anticipation was high among the people of Israel since they had been told by Joshua of the bountiful land […]

Foundation of Faith

Jesus Lives!

“Because I live, you will live also.” (John 14:19) In this passage, Jesus is speaking about resurrection and immortality. Because Jesus lives, we as Christians, as children of God, can go through life as new […]

Foundation of Faith

Jesus on the Cross

Imagine if we had been there and seen Jesus on the cross – to which group of people would we belong? – Many saw it and yet did not have the right view. Do we […]

Foundation of Faith

The Reconciling Blood

The great Nile flows calmly and peacefully through Egypt. It is night. The bright moon sends its silver light across the land and reflects itself in the waters of the river. Everything is quiet. The […]

Foundation of Faith

Salvation Through Christ

Christ “gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.”  Titus 2:14 These words relay one of the most […]