Foundation of Faith

Set Your House in Order (Part 2)

In the past, I was able to visit various countries. It was interesting to see the different ways people live. They look different, speak different languages, eat different foods. They behave differently. The steering wheel […]

Foundation of Faith

Serving God in 2021

She is 33, an entrepreneur, and a mother—and is saved. She learnt nothing about God at home, instead getting to know the dangers of the big city in her first 25 years of life. Today, […]

Foundation of Faith

Societal Change and Faith

“I can’t understand how someone can still be religious in 2021.” I heard this in a recent conversation and it became stuck in my head. This statement clearly describes how the majority of our society […]

Foundation of Faith

Let Your Light Shine!

When our beloved Lord was here on Earth, He once said to His disciples, “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). In verse 16, He added, “Let your light so shine before men, […]

Foundation of Faith

Vital Christianity

It has not rained for a long time. Everything is dried out. The heads of the flowers are drooping. The fruit is languishing and looks pitiful. The earth is waiting for the refreshing moisture of […]

Foundation of Faith

Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit

With the eight Beatitudes, our Lord began what was probably the greatest sermon a human ear could ever hear. Jesus had a large crowd around Him. This “Sermon on the Mount” was primarily for His […]

Foundation of Faith

Set Your House In Order

Hezekiah was given this command by the prophet Isaiah when he was “deathly ill.” This must have been shocking news to him! Although God answered Hezekiah’s prayer to prolong his life and added 15 years […]

Foundation of Faith

Purity of Heart

How wonderful it is that God, in His eternal love, created an opportunity for us to receive pure hearts. It is written: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). […]