
The Art of Aging

The thought of autumn probably troubles many of us. When the storms rip the golden yellow leaves from the trees and the wisps of fog block the beautiful view of the mountains, we are not […]

Foundation of Faith

The Ordinances of the New Testament

The ordinances of the New Testament include Baptism, Communion, and Foot Washing. The Lord Jesus established them shortly before His ascension and He left them for His Church to follow. He said the following words […]

Foundation of Faith

Jesus’ Death and Resurrection

This biblical text serves as a wonderful testimony of the Apostle Paul. He is testifying that he is not the only one who believes this, but also the entire community of the first Christian church, […]

Children's Corner

The First Forbidden Step!

Mrs. Richter once had to go away for a whole day. She instructed Henry to stay home until she returned. Henry did not have a problem with that. Around noon, his friend Peter came and […]