Children's Corner

Lisa’s Enemy

One day Lisa came home from school agitated and said to her mother, “If only you knew, mother, what a despicable girl I have in my class! Today she pulled my hair and called me […]


The Valid Ticket

Certainly most of us remember a situation during a train ride where an official came into our section and called with a loud voice: “Good day – ticket control! Please show your tickets!” When we […]

Foundation of Faith

Brotherly Love

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you […]

Foundation of Faith

Soul-Saving Love

“The love of Christ compels us” 2 Corinthians 5:14 Many people who have felt compelled to serve in the Lord’s vineyard have experienced that such work requires preparation from above. The most important aspect of […]

Foundation of Faith

What a Love!

What a wonderful thing it is that the Son of God should love us! I do not wonder so much that He should have any love for you, but I am lost in wonder at […]

Foundation of Faith

Different Jewels

Gowramma was a charming, talented daughter, the only child of an Indian prince who was forced to cede his land to the British, for which he was compensated with a royal annuity. He showered his […]

Foundation of Faith

Love Your Enemies!

On a stormy, dark evening, one year prior to World War I, two Turkish officers begged me to let them in. One of them, Captain Achmed, introduced himself as the brother of my friend Ismael […]


Easter Conference in Hamm – 2018

We thank God for answering our prayers and giving us richly blessed Easter services together with many brothers and sisters from various congregations. The motto of these Fest services was from John 3:36: “He who […]